Do You Want Heaven on the Earth?

Egoistic materialistic conscience extends through modern civilization and all less or more. Anyway, we all aspire to comfort, chic and so on… We believe this will make us happy. As one French philosopher told, comfort is the last word of civilization. I don’t promote to create problems artificially, but to set as a goal only […]

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Question from Germany about Marina Bleckt’s look

Namasté dear Rami Bleckt, Thank you very much for all the lectures, my husband and i try all our best. There is just one thing i don’t really understand. All the Lectors we are listen and vedas says that a woman should wear a headscarf, long skirt, hair in braids and should not show legs […]

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Rami books now available at Amazon!

We’re happy to announce that Rami e-books are now available at Amazon: 10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS — The Three Energies: The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony — THE ALCHEMY OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS: The Art of Listening and Being Heard — How to Make a Deal with the Universe: or the Planets’ […]

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Do you respect me? Then listen!

A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him. Brendan Francis The ability to listen is one of the key requirements for building healthy relationships between people, for when we listen to some- one we are showing him that “What you are saying deserves attention and respect. I won’t rebuke […]

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How to Free Yourself from Resentment

If you take resentment against someone, it’ll bear a wound on your heart and your life will be hard. Now, whether you forgive a person or not, that’s unclear, but if you keep a feeling of offense, it will creep into your subconscious. Outwardly you may forget about it, even grant someone forgiveness. If the […]

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