Rami books now available at Amazon!

We’re happy to announce that Rami e-books are now available at Amazon: 10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YJ66Q5T The Three Energies: The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YJ6NVP2 THE ALCHEMY OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS: The Art of Listening and Being Heard — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKJYPPS How to Make a Deal with the Universe: or the Planets’ […]

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What to do to avoid problems with digestion

Step 1: Understand the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the body and the digestive tract as a whole. Recognize that physical health, and to a large extent psychological and even spiritual health, depend on how our digestion works. In Ayurveda, it is said: «It doesn’t matter how much and what you eat, what matters […]

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Answer to a question in the framework of SYHET (Sivananda Yoga Health Education Training)  Swami Sitaramananda (translating the question from Vietnamese): Can you please give an example of how you deal with a client using Eastern psychology? For example, a client is in depression. Rami Bleckt: First of all, you have to understand what kind […]

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How to get the support of your family and lineage?

The psycho-emotional foundation of a person, her character, habits and many subconscious programs are formed in early childhood. In this initial development of personality, parents play a key role. Many serious psychological traumas that are buried in our subconscious and that prevent us from living in harmony and being happy are associated with our attitude […]

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Rami’s address on the tragedy in the Ukraine and Russia

Regarding the tragedy that is happening in the Ukraine and Russia. First of all, I want to express my sincere empathy to everyone involved in this ridiculous and terrible conflict between the Ukraine and Russia. I have many readers and students from both Ukraine and Russia. At the moment, we are preoccupied with charity assistance […]

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Barriers to Listening

One of the major problems in interpersonal relations is that we hear only what we want to hear. This is particularly characteristic of women, and you’ve probably come across this problem more than once in your life. A woman’s perception of the world, on the whole, is less logical than men’s. Women are inclined to […]

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